Don’t Cut THAT Cord: How Over-the-Air-TV and NextGen TV Can Make You Money and Keep Clients Happy
Date & Time
Thursday, March 21, 2024, 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM

In a market dominated by streaming and cord-cutting there is one cord that you shouldn’t cut. Indeed, it is one you need to give more thought to about promoting, selling and installing. Yes, that good, old TV antenna, but we’re not talking about your father’s rabbit ears. Over-the-air (OTA) TV is more than just a replacement for some streaming options—it has the best, video quality and a wide range of program channels. Even better, it is FREE TO THE USER! Mike Heiss will present an update on the latest advances in OTA, including ATSC 3.0/NextGen TV, OTA DVRs, and how this will benefit you and your clients. Even better, there will be door prizes with OTA and NextGen products!
Voice of the Integrator
Room Name
Hollywood Room
Mike Heiss - M. Heiss Consulting