Rack Building & Wiring Fundamentals
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
David Meyer

CEDIA’s popular rack building course helps technology professionals understand and practice appropriate wiring techniques. After students take this full-day course, they’ll come away with a structural methodology for rack building including planning and future servicing.  

If you take the course, you’ll gain a foundational knowledge of the different types of racks and how to overcome equipment placement, wiring, and connectivity issues. Not to mention learning industry best practices, wiring choices, and project standardisation practices. Your projects are likely to include several or all these elements, so having a practical working knowledge of the hardware and a plan for how to maintain it in the future is key. 

If you want to get started or establish yourself in the industry, the rack building course a smart place to start.  

Session Type
Rack Building & Wiring Fundamentals
Room Name
Banquet Room