How to Write a Simple Project Specification, (that’ll save your ar$e and get you paid)
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Do you find yourself struggling to get final payments because the client is disputing the difference between what you’ve installed and what they thought they were getting? Do the phrases “I’m sure you said we could do x”, or “I’m sure I said I wanted y” end up costing you money as you appease your clients in order to get paid? Nine times out of 10 it will be because there was no project specification in place. Join Dee Bubeck as he presents a way to write a simple and informative project specification document that the client can read, understand, and agree to. 

Session Type
Conference Pass
Room Name
Hunter Room
Session Sponsor
This session is sponsored by Philips Dynalite