Value Sensitive Design
Date & Time
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Shannon Marsh

Humanity is on the precipice of an evolutionary digital transformation! Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here and is ubiquitous across many technologies we engage with daily.  We have invited it into our homes, we trust it with our information, and we relinquish our privacy.  It’s used to personalise our experiences, collect and understand our data in the pursuit to further personalise our experiences more deeply, and is currently being developed by a small homogeneous group of individuals.  

When a minority is designing technology for the majority, it is at risk of not representing broader societal values and worldviews. With embedded bias inherent in data sets, thinking machines accessing that bias data to make decisions on our behalf, biometric technologies used for facial and voice recognition that is aligned with only a minority worldview, the developmental pathway for AI excludes the humanity in which it serves.  As a collective, humanity is filled with rich cultural and ethnic diversity.  Ethical technology design asks us to review ethical principles when designing technology and who we are designing it for.  We will explore how value sensitive design can help us to apply critical ethical thinking to technology design, and the importance of building communities of practice to critically assess the technology we implement for the common good. 

Session Type
Conference Pass
Room Name
Hunter Room
Session Sponsor
This session is sponsored by Philips Dynalite