Recipe for High Performance Video Design
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
David Meyer

It’s often acknowledged that the best designs are usually achieved through the most intelligent set of compromises. Video system design is no different, and the video signal itself is packed with its own mix of compromises to optimise picture quality in a bandwidth-limited world.  

Understanding the ‘ingredients’ of high-performance video and how they mix (the ‘recipe’) is crucial when interpreting technical information, specifying suitable products, and creating an end-to-end video system capable of conveying the artistic intent of content creators, as advocated by the upcoming CEDIA/CTA-RP23 Immersive Video Design Recommended Practice. 

Session Type
Conference Pass
Room Name
Mulubinba Room
Session Sponsor
This session is sponsored by Skills Recognition International