CEDIA Tech & Business Summit

Best Practices and Policies

CEDIA Tech & Business Summits are a grass root, local events designed to engage sponsors and attendees alike. As such, your ROI on the event is largely based on the adage of what you put into it, you will get out of it. With that in mind, we have created some best practices and policies to ensure you have a great event and walk away from the event with a variety of opportunities.

If you are a manufacturers rep, you are the originators of this event!

Even with this history, there are a few important things to note in order to ensure you have successful event:
• Provide mailing list to CEDIA to enhance marketing – CEDIA can help do the Marketing, but we need to reach everyone possible.  CEDIA does NOT share any lists that come from you, they are secure.
• Provide CEDIA a list of your Brands (with your contacts info). CEDIA can help with getting additional brands to the event.
    o Your main brands may already support the event, but don’t forget your smaller brands.
• No Competing Events at same time – Conducting an additional “side” event that pulls attendees away from the Tech & Business Summit will 
not be tolerated and subject to being asked to leave the Tech & Business Summit.
• Marketing is an important aspect of the success of this event, please develop a routine to reach your audience with;
    o Save the Date email – typically 60 days out from event. CEDIA sends one out at 8 weeks prior to event.
    o Additional emails and marketing to cover; the education tracks, which of your brands will be there and any highlights you want to call attention to.
    o Please include CEDIA on those communications.
• Collect leads – while Reps do get a copy of the scrubbed attendee list, use EventPilot Badge Scan to scan badges. 
• Set Appointments with Integrators and specific sponsors prior to the event. 
• Consider a dinner with one of your vendors as well.
• Follow up is key – These sales opportunities are only as good as the follow up. Set aside some time after to work those leads.
• Shipping – Please work with your sponsors so nothing is left behind.
• Keynote and Classes – They are not just for the attendees. Please feel free to attend the Keynote and the classes

If you are a sponsor: thank you for your support! Your participation is a key factor in the success of CEDIA Tech & Business Summits.

Here are some important suggestions for a great event:
• No competing events at same time. Conducting an additional “side” event that pulls attendees away from the CEDIA Tech & Business Summit will 
not be tolerated and subject to being asked to leave the Tech & Business Summit. Talk to us about complimentary events.
• Understand that this is a contract – balance is due to CEDIA for all events committed to.
• Limit staff to no more than two working team members per table.
• Bring items for set up, including cords, power strips and packing tape.
• No Backdrops larger than 6 feet wide and taller than 8 feet.
• Limit sitting behind your table 0 “Sitting is not selling”. Please limit your email time to ensure solid interaction with attendees.
• Market to your dealers in territory. Show them you are going to be there for increased engagement.
• Collect leads: reps will get a copy of the scrubbed attendee list following the event, but be sure to use the EventPilot Badge Scan mobile app to scan badges too. 
• Shipping: prepare shipping labels prior to start of event. You are responsible for scheduling pick up for the evening of the event or the following morning.
• Have your tabletop display completely set up and ready before doors open at 10:00 AM.
• The daily Tech & Business Summit event schedule is same for all locations. Set up will vary per location based on hotel availability. 
• Consider a dinner with your reps and dealer(s) as well.
• We encourage you to join the keynote if you can! We welcome sponsors and attendees alike to all sessions during the Tech & Business Summit. 

If you are an integrator: thank you for coming, we trust you will have a very productive time!

To get the most out of the event:
• Take advantage of free CEDIA education, we have designed these classes to help you run your business.
• Most vendor sponsors bring decision makers - be sure to take advantage of that level of face to face interaction. 
• Don’t just visit your brands; see others as well. You might just find some great new and unique products.
• Bring your team/staff! We'd love to welcome your team members to the event. With this level of interaction, your staff walks away informed and engaged.
• Sit with vendors at lunch, network with peers, and use this time to engage other industry professionals.
• Work ON your business, not just in your business.